Thursday, August 6, 2009


I think we have Evey minimally scheduled:

*Up at 5:30
*Feed, change
*Put her in her prized Aquarium swing. It's still dark out so the blinkly lights keep her busy while I shower
*Grandma Quade while mom and dad work.
*Bumbo Seat on the counter. I make dinner and we chat.
*Bottle, Bath, Book, Bed at 11:30. She's a night owl.

She rolled over about a week ago. But now she really has no interest in it. The girl was so frustrated trying to figure it out. Now she's onto clicking her tongue and playing with her upper lip. And talking. She loves sounds. She is so proud of her little noises.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Stars, Lavender and Sea Glass

I'm a nervous mommy. It's a good thing daddy and Evey are both so easy going. Daddy says that we are the perfect couple because I bring the research and knowledge to the parenting project while he provides the "common sense" aspect. That stated, I was super nervous for Evelyn's first camping adventure. And there really wasn't even that much to be nervous about considering we were going to have cabin with grandparents and aunts and uncles all over the place. And grocery stores within five mile radius. It really was an ideal situation for a new mommy. Still, I was afraid I'd forget to pack something obviously needed.

We went to Sequim by ferry, which was a first for Evelyn. We got some great shots on her on deck with Grandpa Quade. But she wasn’t too keen on being in her car seat. She cried when we hit stop and go traffic about a half and hour pre destination. Then…we approached Sequim’s first lavender farm off of 101. Daddy (in his infinate wisdom) turned off the AC, rolled down the windows and said “I sure hope this helps”. Evelyn felt the wind on her face and melted into a big smile. She grasped my fingers, one in each hand and closed her eyes. She looked completely blissful. Sigh. Happy girl.

She slept a full 7 hours in a cabin with her grandparents while Garrett and I pitched a tent outside. I haven’t slept that well in ages. The fresh air did wonders for me. We went to Sequim’s lavender festival, got some sun, loaded the car with some sweet scents. Garrett bought me sea glass earrings from a local vendor to commemerate our first of many successful family trips.

The Gods smiled on us, the weekend could not have been more relaxing.

Friday, July 17, 2009

Testing mobile device

Sleep Patterns

Evelyn actually went down at 9 PM last night. Usually she's up with us until 11 or so. She was so happy to fall to sleep that a little time in the rocker was all she needed. I was a little relieved, I needed to pick up. The girl had her stuff spread across the room.

I had the baby monitor on in the kitchen. At about 10:30 I heard her start to fuss. I went into our room and peered into the bassinet where I had left her. Swaddled. She stared up at me. Completely blank. I assumed she didn't want me to pick her up. If she had, she would have told me so. So I left her cuddled. She continued to look right up at me. Blinking was her only movement. I was suddenly taken aback because I realized I was looking down at my eyes. Her little brow and eye shape mirror pictures rendered me at that age. I continued to look at her for about five minutes. Until she went back to sleep.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Our 4th of July Discovery

We woke up this morning and Garrett took Evey to meet her Grandmother Rutledge in Duvall and to give me some needed alone time in the house. I met up with them later. Georgia (Grandma Rutledge) said that she noticed that Evey favors her left hand...we may have an artist/right brained daughter on our hands. It runs on both sides of the family. Only time will tell! I'm just a little embarassed that I didn't notice it myself.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Here I start to blog...

I used to journal...but I got out of it. Here I am again. To share my newly etablished family's hopes, dreams and adventures.